4th May 2000-11th November 2012
As a puppy she won several BP's and a Group 4 in Gundog Puppy at Hampshire Gundog Society Show. As an adult she has been well placed at Open and Ch. shows. She was bred by Catherine Zingg (Rayleas) and has had lovely puppies by my Conor and by Glen (Alibren Maestro).
Ch. Stanroph Squadron Leader Sh. Ch. Steval Mickey Finn At Ivycrest Amberland Ski-hi
Steval Latest Edition
Stanroph Shere Fantasy Rossbourne Trooper
Stanroph Silent Tears
Rayleas Candyfloss Rayleas Gelert Hurricane Chas Of Rayleas
Deanwood Cerian Of Rayleas
Rojillair March Breeze To Rayleas Ch. Rayleas Caluimn
Rojillair Autumnal Bliss
KC Reg: AA02536404
Hips: 6 + 4 (10)
Elbows: 0
Eyes: Current
Date Of Birth: 4th May 2000
Sally Hayward
Herefordshire, England
+44 (0)1981 259910